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Starting Anew

A year ago I decided to start blogging. I wanted to share all of my experiences as being a first time mom and hopefully make some income along the way. The truth is that making money from having a small blog was and is not easy. Also I started to ignore my blog since I was so busy between being a mom, working a full time job, and going to school full time. Life got really hard and I became neglectful of something I wanted to do. As the year passed, so did my membership for the site hosting my blog. Reality hit in and I had to make the decision, do I continue paying for it or do I just allow it to be my side hobby and maybe revisit it later on in life. I am choosing the latter option.  I enjoy very much blogging and sharing my life with my readers but I like it best when I can do it at no expense to myself. Being a parent is not cheap, children are expensive and I must save wherever I can. Feeding a growing toddler is a daily expense. My baby does not say no to food and I am very bl

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